Statement from the 92nd Regular Session of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Biskupska konferencija

Statement from the 92nd Regular Session of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Statement from the 92nd Regular Session of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mostar, March 21, 2025

On March 20th and 21st, 2025, the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina held its 92nd regular session in the premises of the Bishop’s Ordinariate in Mostar, under the chairmanship of the Archbishop Metropolitan of Vrhbosna and the Apostolic Administrator of the Military Ordinariate in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mons. Tomo Vukšić, President of the BK BiH. The session was attended by all members of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Apostolic Nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Archbishop Francis Assisi Chillikatt, and delegates Mons. Roko Glasnović (Bishop of Dubrovnik delegate of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference) and Mons. Domenico Beneventi (Bishop of the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro and delegate of the Italian Bishops’ Conference).

At the beginning of the session, the bishops sent a message to the Holy Father in which they congratulated the 12th anniversary of the pontificate and expressed, on their own behalf and on behalf of priests, men, women and all faithful, their prayerful support.

In the second part of the session, the presidents of the councils, commissions and committees of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Secretariat and the Catholic News Agency submitted reports on their work in 2024. The bishops thank all members for their contribution and for the work within the councils for the good of the Church and society in BiH.

In the report of the Council for Ecumenism and Dialogue between Religions and Cultures, the desire for an even greater number of interreligious and ecumenical meetings was expressed. The bishops emphasized the Catholic Church’s ongoing openness to cooperation and meeting with all Churches and religious communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Over the past year, the Council for Catechesis and New Evangelization has placed emphasis on the topic of systematic parish catechesis and school catechesis, especially on preparation for receiving the sacraments of Communion and Confirmation. The Council also discussed the implementation and challenges in the curricular reform process in BiH. Members of BK BiH thank the teaching staff for their permanent contribution to the upbringing and education of children and young people.

The bishops were also informed about the work of the Council for the Clergy and Seminaries. They accepted the proposal that at the 12th Inter-deanery Meeting in Bosnia and Hercegovina, which will be held on March 27th, 2025, at the Petar Barbarić Archdiocesan Seminary in Travnik, the central theme will be Living Christian Hope in the Context of Time.

The bishops invite all bishops and priests, who are active or are originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina to a meeting which will be held on June 4th in Tomislavgrad.

The bishops were informed about the work and current projects of the Council for the Liturgy. With regard to liturgical singing and the holding of concerts in churches, the bishops invite everyone to adhere to the guidelines of the Bishops’ Conference published in the document For Better Singing in Liturgical Communities.

Applying the decisions of the Holy See, a new Council for Laity, Family and Life was established, in which the two previous Councils were united: the Council for the Family and the Council for the Laity. The bishops approved the Ordinance of the new Council, which will organize Family Day in Kupres on July 26th and 27th, 2025.

The Bishops were also informed about the work of the Youth Committee. They support the organization of pilgrimages and the participation of young people in Rome on the occasion of the Jubilee of Youth.

Listening to the annual report on the work of the Pedagogical Council of the System of Catholic Schools in Europe, the bishops expressed their gratitude to all those involved in the work of these schools in which new generations are being raised and educated. They call on the faithful to prayer and openness to life, and all structures of society to work on creating all the necessary preconditions for supporting families and renewing family unity.

The bishops were also acquainted with the activities of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Mission Centre in Sarajevo. They are pleased with the openness of many pastoral workers and members of diocesan communities to work on helping missions and missionaries through prayer and involvement in various missionary actions.

The bishops paid attention to the appearances of church figures in the media and the development of guidelines in this regard, and call for responsibility and prudence, in appearances.

The also considered the activities of charismatic movements.

The Iustita et pax will continue to monitor the development of social and societal conditions in the area of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, when necessary, present the Church’s teachings on important and current issues.

Regarding the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the bishops expressed the hope that through sincere dialogue and respect for the rights of every community and individual, the current crisis will be overcome and peace will be preserved, which there is no morally acceptable alternative. They call on all the faithful to pray and those responsible for a dialogue, that it will be characterized by prudence, patience and sincerity, and that differences will be recognized as the true values of this country, and not obstacles in building a just and orderly society.

Mostar, March 21, 2025

Secretariat of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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